Azadirachta indica

 Botanical NameAzadirachta indica A.Juss.

Family: Meliaceae

Common Name: Neem tree, Indian lilac

English Name: Neem, Nimbay, margosa tree

Description: It is a fast-growing and long-lived evergreen tree with a wide-spreading, dense, ovoid crown; it can grow about 15 metres tall with occasional specimens up to 25 metres. It has a short, straight bole that can be 100cm in diameter, and long, spreading branches that form a dense, large, oval or rounded crown. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, estipulate. rachis 14-30 cm long slender .swollen at base glabrous,leaflets 7-15, opposite or subopposite  estipellate, petiolule 3 -5 mmiong. Slender glabrous lamina 4.5-7.5 x1.5-2.5 cm ianceolate. Or falcate base oblique apex acuminate margin serrate glabrous, coriaceous lateral nerves 10-8 pairs pinnate,slender prominent intercostae reticulate, faint flowers bisexual 8 mm aeross.white in axillary panicles bracteoies scaly pedicel 5mm sepals 5 connate at base ovate margin ciliate petals 5 free white oblong obovate pubescent ,spreading imbricate stamina tude 4 mm long glabrous apically 10.lobed iobes truncate anther 10 slightly exserted apiculate opposite to lobes sessile ovary superior globose 3celled ovules 2 per cell style slender elongate stigma terete 3- lobed fruit a drupe 1.5 x 0.5 cm oblong greenish- yellow seed one surrounded by a sweet pulp.

Flowering & Fruiting: February-September

Distribution: E. Asia - India, Bagladesh, Myanmar. Indo-malesia

IUCN: Stable: Least Concern Azadirachta indica (Neem) (

District: All Districts of Tamil Nadu

Uses: Neem is considered to be a pharmacy in its own right in India, where every part of the plant is used medicinally. It contains a number of medically active substances including meliacins, triterpenoid bitters, tannins and flavonoids. It is one of the most important detoxicants in Ayurvedic medicine and a potent febrifuge. The fruits are eaten fresh or cooked, or prepared as a dessert or lemonade-type drink. Young leaves and flowers - cooked. A very bitter flavour, they are often eaten as a pre-meal appetizer. Sap obtained from the branches and roots is fermented and drunk. Being drought resistant with a well-developed root system capable of extracting nutrient from the lower soil levels, it is a suitable tree for dune-fixation


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