Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

 Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.

Family: Malvaceae

Common Name: Hibiscus

English Name: Chinese hibiscus, rose of china shoe flower.

Description: Stems woody, branches densely or sparsely pubescent or tomentose with simple, scarbid or stellate hairs or glabrous. Shrubs to 4m high stems, woody and glabrous leaves alternate ovate to ovate lanceolate. truncate or somewhat tapering at base, serrate, crenate or entire, sometimes dentate towards apex acute to acuminate at apex 5-11 x 3-6cm 3-5 nerved at base glabrous to sparsely stellate-hairy on nerves beneath petioles 1.5-4cm long simple-hairy stipules lanceolate or subulate 3-11mm long glabrous flower axillary solitary pedicels  2-8cm long jointed above middle glabrous or pubescent epicalyx lobes 5-8cm connate at base lanceolate 5-15mm long sparsely stellate-pubescent calyx campanulate 1-3cm long lobes connate to middle anceloate 1.5-2cm long stellate and glandular-poilose outside corolla infundibular, 6-12cm across, red,white, pink, yellow or orange, yellow petals obovate ad entire staminal column to 5cm long exserted bexond corolla antheriferous in upper half capsules oblong-(rounded rarely formed).

Flowering & Fruiting: Throughout the year.

Distribution: Native of pacific islands cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries.


District: All District of Tamil Nadu

Uses: Used in Ayurveda, Folk medicine, Unani, Siddha, Traditional chinese medicine. Fresh petals used for blackening hairs and eye-brows.


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