Syzygium cumini

Botanical Name : Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Family: Myrtaceae Common Name : Jamun tree English Name : Black plum, Jambu, Jaman Description : It is an evergreen plant. At the base, the bark is rough and dark colour but becoming lighter grey and smoother higher up. The 1889 book 'The Useful Native Plants of Australia’ records that the plant was referred to as "durobbi" by Indigenous Australians, and that "The fruit is much eaten by the natives of India; in appearance it resembles a damson. Leaves to 18 x 8 cm, ovate, oblong, long – acminate at apex, acute at base ; nerves many, close, shining above; petiole 1.5-2cm long. Panicles to 10cm across, on leatless branchlets. Flowers 6-9 mm across, subsesile; calyx tube. 3 mm broad, turbinate; filaments 7 mm long. Berry 10 x7mm, oboroid, deep blue. During maturity of the fruit the colour turning fremm green dark purple or nearly black. Flowering & Fruiting : December to April Distribution : The native of In...